Commercial FAQ

Commercial FAQ

My building(s) were not completed as of January 1st. How do you appraise them?
The improvement is added to the tax roll at the percent of completion as of January 1st.

Are property taxes based on a percentage?
No, they are based on 100% of the fair market value of your property.

Has anyone actually come out and looked at my property?
Yes, someone has reviewed your property, but it may not have been this year.

Why is IMPROVEMENT shown on my notice when I haven’t made any?
Improvement on your notice means any structure that is attached to the land. A building is an improvement to the land.

How often do you reappraise my property?
Typically, the Appraisal District reviews all sales information and reviews all properties every year. Market value is the determining factor on deciding which properties are reappraised

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