Disabled Veteran's and Survivor's Exemptions

Disabled Veteran's and Survivor's Exemptions

Disabled Veteran Exemption - Disability Rating of 10% - 100%
You qualify for this exemption if you are a disabled veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces with a service connected disability rating of 10% or more.  A qualified individual is entitled to an exemption from taxation of a portion of the assessed value on one property the applicant owns and designates in the state of Texas.
Disabled Veteran Exemption Application
1.  You must be a Texas resident
2. Own the property as of January 1st
3. Have a service connected disability rating of at least 10%
Documents required: A current copy of your award letter from the US Department of Veteran Affairs 
Exemption amounts:
  Disability rating  = $5000 exemption
30%-49%  Disability rating = $7,500 exemption
50%-69%  Disability rating = $10,000 exemption
70%-100% Disability rating = $12,000 exemption
*When a disabled veteran turns 65, they qualify for the maximum exemption amount of $12,000 offered regardless of the disability percentage awarded by the V.A.

Surviving Spouse of a Disabled Veteran with a Rating of 10% - 100%
A surviving spouse of a disabled veteran may apply to continue the exemption as long as they
remain a Texas resident and have not remarried.

Surviving spouse of an Armed Forces Member who Died while on Active Duty

A surviving spouse of an armed forces member who died while on active duty may qualify for the exemption as long as they remain a Texas resident. Include with the application a letter from the Veterans Administration showing the person died while on active duty and copy of the marriage license.

Surviving Child of a Disabled Veteran
A surviving child of a disabled veteran may qualify for this exemption if they are under age 18, unmarried, and a Texas resident. Included with the application must be proof of age and relationship to the deceased.

Surviving Child of a U.S. Armed Service Member who Died while on Active Duty
A surviving child of an armed forces member who died while on active duty may qualify for this exemption if they are under age 18, unmarried, and a Texas resident. Included with the application must be a letter from the Veterans Administration showing the parent died while on active duty and proof of age and relationship to the deceased.
Surviving Spouse or Child of a Veteran Exemption Application

100% Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption
You qualify for this exemption if you receive a 100% disability rating (or if you are compensated at 100% for individual unemployability) due to a service-connected disability from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. You qualify the day you move into your property.
Documents required: A current copy of your award letter from the US Department of Veteran Affairs and a Texas issued Driver License or Identification card reflecting your current physical address.
To apply: You can apply online by locating your property through Property Search and selecting the HS Exemption icon. Applications filed online will be submitted electronically. All other completed applications may be uploaded at wcad.org using the Exemption Contact form located under the E-Services tab, mailed to the Williamson Central Appraisal District or hand delivered to the office.

Surviving Spouse of a 100% Disabled Veteran who Qualified for the 100% Disabled Veteran Homestead Exemption at the time of their Death
You may qualify for this exemption if the property remains your primary residence and you have not remarried.
*If you move to another property in Texas, you can transfer the Surviving Spouse of a 100% Disabled Veteran Exemption to your new home. The value of the former property, the last year it had the exemption, will be the amount exempted from taxation on your new property.

Donated Residence Homestead of a Partially Disabled Veteran Exemption
You qualify for this exemption if you receive less than a 100% disability rating from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and your residence was donated to you by a charitable organization at no cost to you or at some cost that is not more than 50% of the market value.
You qualify for the exemption the year you move into your property.
Documents required: Supporting documentation from the charitable organization that donated the home,
a current copy of your award letter from the US Department of Veteran Affairs, and a Texas issued Driver License or Identification card reflecting your current physical address.
To apply:
You can apply online by locating your property through Property Search and selecting the HS Exemption icon. Applications filed online will be submitted electronically. All other completed applications 
may be uploaded at wcad.org using the Exemption Contact form located under the E-Services tab, mailed to the Williamson Central Appraisal District or hand delivered to the office.
*The percentage of the VA disability rating determines the percentage of value exempt from taxation.

Surviving Spouse of a Disabled Veteran who Qualified for the Donated Residence Homestead Exemption
You may qualify if you are the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran who qualified for the exemption at the time of their death, the property was your primary residence when the disabled veteran died and remains your primary residence, and you have not remarried.

Surviving Spouse of an Armed Services Member Killed in Action
You may qualify if you are the surviving spouse of a member of the U.S. Armed Services who was killed in action and have not remarried since the death of the service member.
Documents required: Supporting documentation must be provided with this exemption request.
To apply: You can apply online by locating your property through Property Search and selecting the HS Exemption icon. Applications filed online will be submitted electronically. All other completed applications 
may be uploaded at wcad.org using the Exemption Contact form located under the E-Services tab, mailed to the Williamson Central Appraisal District or hand delivered to the office.


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